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Six Soldiers of Fortune
Grimm Märchen

Six Soldiers of Fortune - Fairy Tale by the Brothers Grimm

Reading time for children: 15 min

There was once a man who was a Jack-of-all-trades. He had served in the war, and had been brave and bold, but at the end of it he was sent about his business, with three farthings and his discharge. „I am not going to stand this,“ said he; „wait till I find the right man to help me, and the king shall give me all the treasures of his kingdom before he has done with me.“ Then, full of wrath, he went into the forest, and he saw one standing there by six trees which he had rooted up as if they had been stalks of corn. And he said to him, „Will you be my man, and come along with me?“ – „All right,“ answered he; „I must just take this bit of wood home to my father and mother.“ And taking one of the trees, he bound it round the other five, and putting the faggot on his shoulder, he carried it off. Then soon coming back, he went along with his leader, who said, „Two such as we can stand against the whole world.“

And when they had gone on a little while, they came to a huntsman who was kneeling on one knee and taking careful aim with his rifle. „Huntsman,“ said the leader, „what are you aiming at?“ – „Two miles from here,“ answered he, „there sits a fly on the bough of an oak-tree, I mean to put a bullet into its left eye.“ – „Oh, come along with me,“ said the leader; „three of us together can stand against the world.“ The huntsman was quite willing to go with him, and so they went on till they came to seven windmills, whose sails were going round briskly, and yet there was no wind blowing from any quarter, and not a leaf stirred. „Well,“ said the leader, „I cannot think what ails the windmills, turning without wind,“ and he went on with his followers about two miles farther, and then they came to a man sitting up in a tree, holding one nostril and blowing with the other. „Now then,“ said the leader, „what are you doing up there?“ – „Two miles from here,“ answered he, „there are seven windmills. I am blowing, and they are going round.“ – „Oh, go with me,“ cried the leader, „four of us together can stand against the world.“

So the blower got down and went with them, and after a time they came to a man standing on one leg, and the other had been taken off and was lying near him. „You seem to have got a handy way of resting yourself,“ said the leader to the man. „I am a runner,“ answered he, „and in order to keep myself from going too fast I have taken off a leg, for when I run with both, I go faster than a bird can fly.“ – „Oh, go with me,“ cried the leader, „five of us together may well stand against the world.“

So he went with them all together, and it was not long before they met a man with a little hat on, and he wore it just over one ear. „Manners! manners!“ said the leader; „with your hat like that, you look like a jack-fool.“ – „I dare not put it straight,“ answered the other; „if I did, there would be such a terrible frost that the very birds would be frozen and fall dead from the sky to the ground.“ – „Oh, come with me,“ said the leader; „we six together may well stand against the whole world.“

So the six went on until they came to a town where the king had caused it to be made known that whoever would run a race with his daughter and win it might become her husband, but that whoever lost must lose his head into the bargain. And the leader came forward and said one of his men should run for him. „Then,“ said the king, „his life too must be put in pledge, and if he fails, his head and yours too must fall.“ When this was quite settled and agreed upon, the leader called the runner, and strapped his second leg on to him. „Now, look out,“ said he, „and take care that we win.“ It had been agreed that the one who should bring water first from a far distant brook should be accounted winner. Now the king’s daughter and the runner each took a pitcher, and they started both at the same time; but in one moment, when the king’s daughter had gone but a very little way, the runner was out of sight, for his running was as if the wind rushed by. In a short time he reached the brook, filled his pitcher full of water, and turned back again. About half-way home, however, he was overcome with weariness, and setting down his pitcher, he lay down on the ground to sleep. But in order to awaken soon again by not lying too soft he had taken a horse’s skull which lay near and placed it under his head for a pillow. In the meanwhile the king’s daughter, who really was a good runner, good enough to beat an ordinary man, had reached the brook, and filled her pitcher, and was hastening with it back again, when she saw the runner lying asleep. „The day is mine,“ said she with much joy, and she emptied his pitcher and hastened on. And now all had been lost but for the huntsman who was standing on the castle wall, and with his keen eyes saw all that happened. „We must not be outdone by the king’s daughter,“ said he, and he loaded his rifle and took so good an aim that he shot the horse’s skull from under the runner’s head without doing him any harm. And the runner awoke and jumped up, and saw his pitcher standing empty and the king’s daughter far on her way home. But, not losing courage, he ran swiftly to the brook, filled it again with water, and for all that, he got home ten minutes before the king’s daughter. „Look you,“ said he; „this is the first time I have really stretched my legs; before it was not worth the name of running.“ The king was vexed, and his daughter yet more so, that she should be beaten by a discharged common soldier; and they took counsel together how they might rid themselves of him and of his companions at the same time. „I have a plan,“ said the king; „do not fear but that we shall be quit of them for ever.“ Then he went out to the men and bade them to feast and be merry and eat and drink; and he led them into a room, which had a floor of iron, and the doors were iron, the windows had iron frames and bolts. In the room was a table set out with costly food. „Now, go in there and make yourselves comfortable,“ said the king. And when they had gone in, he had the door locked and bolted. Then he called the cook, and told him to make a big fire underneath the room, so that the iron floor of it should be red hot. And the cook did so, and the six men began to feel the room growing very warm, by reason, as they thought at first, of the good dinner; but as the heat grew greater and greater, and they found the doors and windows fastened, they began to think it was an evil plan of the king’s to suffocate them. „He shall not succeed, however,“ said the man with the little hat; „I will bring on a frost that shall make the fire feel ashamed of itself, and creep out of the way.“ So he set his hat straight on his head, and immediately there came such a frost that all the heat passed away and the food froze in the dishes. After an hour or two had passed, and the king thought they must have all perished in the heat, he caused the door to be opened, and went himself to see how they fared. And when the door flew back, there they were all six quite safe and sound, and they said they were quite ready to come out, so that they might warm themselves, for the great cold of that room had caused the food to freeze in the dishes. Full of wrath, the king went to the cook and scolded him, and asked why he had not done as he was ordered. „It is hot enough there: you may see for yourself,“ answered the cook. And the king looked and saw an immense fire burning underneath the room of iron, and he began to think that the six men were not to be got rid of in that way.

And he thought of a new plan by which it might be managed, so he sent for the leader and said to him, „If you will give up your right to my daughter, and take gold instead, you may have as much as you like.“ – „Certainly, my lord king,“ answered the man; „let me have as much gold as my servant can carry, and I give up all claim to your daughter.“ And the king agreed that he should come again in a fortnight to fetch the gold. The man then called together all the tailors in the kingdom, and set them to work to make a sack, and it took them a fortnight. And when it was ready, the strong man who had been found rooting up trees took it on his shoulder, and went to the king. „Who is this immense fellow carrying on his shoulder a bundle of stuff as big as a house?“ cried the king, terrified to think how much gold he would carry off. And a ton of gold was dragged in by sixteen strong men, but he put it all into the sack with one hand, saying, „Why don’t you bring some more? this hardly covers the bottom!“ So the king bade them fetch by degrees the whole of his treasure, and even then the sack was not half full. „Bring more!“ cried the man; „these few scraps go no way at all!“ Then at last seven thousand waggons laden with gold collected through the whole kingdom were driven up; and he threw them in his sack, oxen and all. „I will not look too closely,“ said he, „but take what 1 can get, so long as the sack is full.“ And when all was put in there was still plenty of room. „I must make an end of this,“ he said; „if it is not full, it is so much the easier to tie up.“ And he hoisted it on his back, and went off with his comrades. When the king saw all the wealth of his realm carried off by a single man he was full of wrath, and he bade his cavalry mount, and follow after the six men, and take the sack away from the strong man. Two regiments were soon up to them, and called them to consider themselves prisoners, and to deliver up the sack, or be cut in pieces. „Prisoners, say you?“ said the man who could blow, „suppose you first have a little dance together in the air,“ and holding one nostril, and blowing through the other, he sent the regiments flying head over heels, over the hills and far away. But a sergeant who had nine wounds and was a brave fellow, begged not to be put to so much shame. And the blower let him down easily, so that he came to no harm, and he bade him go to the king and tell him that whatever regiments he liked to send more should be blown away just the same. And the king, when he got the message, said, „Let the fellows be. They have some right on their side.“

So the six comrades carried home their treasure, divided it among them, and lived contented till they died.

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Backgrounds to fairy tale „Six soldiers of fortune“

„Six Soldiers of Fortune“ is a fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm in their famous compilation „Children’s and Household Tales“ (Kinder- und Hausmärchen). This story, like many others in their collection, has its roots in European folklore and reflects the values and social dynamics of the time when it was collected.

The tale follows six out-of-work soldiers who band together and use their unique skills to overcome various challenges and obstacles. As they travel, they have several adventures and ultimately use their abilities to outsmart a king who tries to deceive them. In the end, they are rewarded with wealth and recognition for their cunning and bravery.

„Six Soldiers of Fortune“ explores themes of teamwork, resourcefulness, and the value of individual talents. The soldiers, each with their own special abilities, demonstrate the importance of working together and using their combined strengths to succeed. The story also serves as a reminder that even those who may seem down on their luck can achieve great things through perseverance and collaboration.

As with many other tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, „Six Soldiers of Fortune“ has likely evolved and changed over time as it was passed down through generations. The Brothers Grimm may have adapted the story from different regional sources, molding it into the version that appears in their collection of German folktales.

Interpretations to fairy tale „Six soldiers of fortune“

„Six Soldiers of Fortune,“ a fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm, offers several moral lessons and interpretations. Here are some possible interpretations of the story:

Teamwork and collaboration: The tale emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration, as the six soldiers come together, each with their own unique skills, to overcome various challenges. The story serves as a reminder that combining individual strengths can lead to success and that working together is often more effective than attempting to achieve goals alone.

Resourcefulness and adaptability: Each of the soldiers possesses a unique talent or skill that they use creatively to navigate difficult situations. The story highlights the value of resourcefulness and adaptability, demonstrating that thinking outside the box and using one’s abilities in innovative ways can lead to success.

Perseverance and determination: The six soldiers, despite being out of work and facing an uncertain future, do not give up on their quest for fortune. Their perseverance and determination ultimately pay off, teaching readers the importance of not giving up in the face of adversity.

The power of individual talents: The story celebrates the unique talents of each soldier and demonstrates the power of individual skills when combined. It encourages readers to recognize and appreciate their own abilities and those of others, reminding us that everyone has something valuable to contribute.

Justice and reward: The tale also explores themes of justice and reward, as the soldiers outsmart the deceitful king and are ultimately rewarded for their cunning and bravery. This aspect of the story serves as a reminder that honesty, determination, and clever thinking can often lead to just rewards.

These interpretations provide various ways to understand the moral lessons and insights conveyed by „Six Soldiers of Fortune.“ The story serves as a reminder of the power of teamwork, collaboration, resourcefulness, adaptability, perseverance, and the value of individual talents, as well as the importance of justice and reward.

Adaptions of the fairy tale „Six soldiers of fortune“

„Six Soldiers of Fortune“ is not as widely adapted as some other Grimm fairy tales, but it has been retold and adapted in various forms to convey its moral lessons. Here are a few examples:

Children’s literature: The story has been adapted and included in anthologies of Grimm’s fairy tales or collections of adventure stories for children. These adaptations often feature simplified language and engaging illustrations to appeal to a younger audience. One example is the book „Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales“ by the Brothers Grimm and Arthur Rackham, which includes an illustrated version of „Six Soldiers of Fortune.“

Storytelling and oral performances: As a story with moral lessons and exciting adventures, „Six Soldiers of Fortune“ lends itself well to oral storytelling. Professional storytellers, educators, and parents may include the tale in their performances or storytime sessions at schools, libraries, and festivals.

Educational materials: Given its moral lessons about teamwork, resourcefulness, perseverance, and the value of individual talents, „Six Soldiers of Fortune“ can be used in educational materials, such as lesson plans and classroom activities. Teachers may use the story to teach moral values and spark discussions about the importance of collaboration and the power of individual abilities.

Puppet shows and theater: While there may not be many standalone theatrical adaptations of „Six Soldiers of Fortune,“ the story can be included in puppet shows or larger theatrical productions that feature multiple fables and fairy tales. The tale’s engaging characters and moral lessons make it a suitable choice for performances aimed at children and families.

Animated films or TV shows: Although there are not many specific examples, „Six Soldiers of Fortune“ could be adapted into an animated film or television series, focusing on the exciting adventures of the six soldiers and the moral lessons they learn along the way.

Although there may not be as many adaptations of „Six Soldiers of Fortune“ as some other Grimm fairy tales, its themes of teamwork, resourcefulness, perseverance, and the value of individual talents have made it an appealing story for various forms of retelling. As a result, the tale continues to be adapted and shared with contemporary audiences, helping to keep the story alive and relevant.

Adaptions of the fairy tale „Six soldiers of fortune“

The fairy tale „Six Soldiers of Fortune“ (also known as „The Six Swans“) has been adapted into various forms of media throughout the years. Here are a few notable adaptations:

The Wild Swans (1843) by Hans Christian Andersen: This is a similar story written by another famous fairy tale author, Hans Christian Andersen. The story also involves a princess who must break a curse by weaving shirts for her brothers.

The Six Swans (1956): This is a film adaptation of the fairy tale directed by John Reinhardt. It stars David Kossoff, Patricia Medina, and John Van Eyssen.

The Six Swans (1995): This is an episode of the television series „Faerie Tale Theater,“ which retells classic fairy tales. It stars Lee Remick, Beau Bridges, and Shelley Duvall.

The Goose Girl (2003) by Shannon Hale: This is a retelling of several Grimm’s fairy tales, including „Six Soldiers of Fortune“ and „The Goose Girl.“

The Wild Swans (2012) by Jackie Morris and Robert Macfarlane: This is a children’s picture book adaptation of the fairy tale with illustrations by Jackie Morris.

The Six Swans (2015): This is a ballet adaptation of the fairy tale by the Birmingham Royal Ballet, choreographed by David Bintley.

Once Upon a Time (2011-2018): This is a television series that features a retelling of „Six Soldiers of Fortune“ in the second episode of the second season.

Overall, „Six Soldiers of Fortune“ has inspired many adaptations across different media, demonstrating the enduring appeal of this classic fairy tale.

Summary of the plot

„Six Soldiers of Fortune“ is a fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm that tells the story of six out-of-work soldiers who decide to band together to seek their fortune. Each soldier possesses a unique talent or skill, which they use to their advantage as they embark on their journey.

As they travel, they encounter various challenges and obstacles, using their combined skills to overcome them. Along the way, they arrive at a kingdom ruled by a deceitful king. The king, impressed by the soldiers‘ abilities, attempts to deceive them into completing a series of seemingly impossible tasks in exchange for wealth and recognition.

Using their resourcefulness and teamwork, the six soldiers successfully complete the tasks, outsmarting the king and exposing his deceit. In the end, the soldiers are rewarded with wealth, recognition, and a place in the kingdom, where they live out the rest of their days happily.

The tale of „Six Soldiers of Fortune“ emphasizes the importance of teamwork, resourcefulness, perseverance, and the value of individual talents. It serves as a reminder that, by working together and using one’s unique abilities, success can be achieved even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Informations for scientific analysis

Fairy tale statistics
Readability Index by Björnsson33
Flesch-Reading-Ease Index81.6
Flesch–Kincaid Grade-Level7.8
Gunning Fog Index10.4
Coleman–Liau Index6.8
SMOG Index7.5
Automated Readability Index8.5
Character Count10.314
Letter Count7.824
Sentence Count86
Word Count2.041
Average Words per Sentence23,73
Words with more than 6 letters190
Percentage of long words9.3%
Number of Syllables2.440
Average Syllables per Word1,20
Words with three Syllables48
Percentage Words with three Syllables2.4%
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